
Bali's Bert Vierstra; Dutch Nazi, Lovina Villa Sales Agent & Gay Pedophile

I am not the sort of person who normally publishes here-say, but I have been told by no less then 3 people now that Dutch citizen Bert Vierstra, who lives and works as an unlawful Bali villas sales agent in Lovina, had to leave the Netherlands quickly and is in fact a practicing gay pedophile in Bali. Please be aware the UNCHR described Bali and Lombok as pedophile black-spots in 2007 and most of the island's expatriate child abusers are protected by the corrupt Balinese police; Transparency International rank them and their pet prosecutors and judges as one of the most corrupt in the world. What is of concern and why I feel this charge should be published is;
a) One of Mr. Vierstra's accusers said he himself was a pedophile and a member of the ring Bert belongs to in Bali.
b) Mr. Vierstra has published clear libel about another person on his web site based on a sole anonymous posting on some hack forum likely done by himself.
c) Mr. Vierstra defamed someone involved in charity work for Bali and who had previously helped Vierstra; Vierstra helps no-one but himself and unlawfully so.

Vierstra admits being gay

We know from the Internet that Bert Vierstra is a practicing homosexual and therefore is living illegally in Indonesia (homosexuality is a crime under Indonesian law with a jail term of at least 2 years for these little "buggers"), just by checking Vierstra's Yahoo profile here and then doing a search on Google for his nickname "BuleBelanda" brings up his entry on a cyber meeting site called "faceparty"; do a search for his user name and what do we find, yes Bert Vierstra is gay. But what amazed me also were two claims that Bert comes from a Dutch nazi family. I always thought the Dutch hated nazis, but apparently not Click Here Mein Heir. Is it possible, a gay nazi living in Singaraja? He certainly has the "MO" for something very strange, ok, very ugly.

What I can also tell you and with absolute certainty about Bert Vierstra is that he runs an unlawful and very nasty business, works with corrupt immigration officials to get visas for villa buyers which one day will likely end them up in jail (check out the evidence here), runs a forum where he discusses how to abuse and hack other Bali web sites (quotes from Vierstra "I decided to post on his forum with an alias" and "but its true, I told someone that your privacy is better protected when you disable cookies, especially with sites that use this cookies to monitor individual behaviour of visitors" - actually he did much more), handles documents from confidential police files bought through corruption which he then abuses, and sells real estate under false pretenses claiming as he does foreigners can own land and operate holiday villa rentals in Bali when they can not. You will see the evidence against Bert Vierstra, Lovina's villa sales fraud is beyond doubt and that he should be in jail, not out amongst Balinese children and decent people. Bert Vierstra is a salesman and selectively "denies" everything of course, but look at the evidence and you will see he is a nasty crook.

Mr Vierstra makes money by lying and committing fraud in Bali; he sells villas to foreigners on the pretense they are freehold properties which can be used to generate rental income from holiday lets. First it is a fact that no foreigner can own land in Indonesia, so the properties he sells are not freehold as implied. Basically you have to allow the title of the land to be owned by an Indonesian and made available to you under a totally unlawful contract. The only way foreigners can even rent land, note never own land in Bali is to legally reside here and to pay taxes here. Also, only Indonesians or Indonesian companies (sorry, no foreign directors allowed) can legally operate holiday rental villas as only they can get operational permits. Of course foreigners do rent out "their" Bali villas (actually private residences under law) but these are now in the process of being closed down by the government; of course Bert Vierstra does not tell you that.

Bert Vierstra also runs the Bali Expat Forum, or one of them. On his forum he has discussed with members how to get past the security of other web sites, in particular certain travel forums which "compete" with Bert, so that hate and abusive messages can be posted by him and his expatriate friends there. Bert recently tried to cover up this well documented fact by claiming his and other's acts were to get past undue censorship on these forums! Undue censorship being where one forum owner does not allow the hate of another forum owner to be posted there! Thing is, once you have been banned from a forum, you have been told not to go back there (under law if you do this is trespass). If you go back and bypass their security to post hate / abusive messages there as Vierstra and his friends did, this is defacement as well on top of trespass. Research your law books Bert, defacement is classified as hacking and that makes you a hacker. Bert's accomplice and friend is this is one Roy "Majapahit" Thompson.

Bert Vierstra also works with a very shady character in Bali called John Millard Daniels (AKA Jack Daniels). Bert is actually one of Daniels' "spies" in the North of Bali to try and find a business rival by the name of Mark Austin. You can read about Daniels' own crimes here: Bali Discovery Tours, and Bert is his accomplice. You see, Jack Daniels gets bent police officers including Made Pastika to provide him with details out of the the police's highly unlawful unofficial investigation file on this character, Mark Austin, including copies of Austin's passport. Jack Daniels gave a copy of this to Bert Vierstra on the pretext it was police business and was needed for Bert and his friends to be able to recognize Austin from the passport photograph. Sound too unbelievable for you? Well it is true and Bert's forum buddy Roy "Majapahit" Thompson, who admitted being given a copy by Vierstra made the almighty mistake of actually publishing details from Austin's ill-gotten copy passport on the Internet.

Bert Vierstra is a smooth talking, sometimes credible individual and businessman, but just look at the facts about him and his unlawful Lovina Bali villas sales company.


Anonymous said...

Actually you are wrong that homosexuality is illegal in Indonesia, currently it is legal to have same sex partners; even sodomy is currently legal. But Bert has committed some indiscretions with minors, that is for sure, and he has only just got away with criminal charges and deportation, which is why you will find he his now very discrete about all such matters, although it is widely "konown" he is still involving himself with children as sex partners and has even been a part of photographing these acts for peodophile circles in the past.

Anonymous said...

You actually help Bert with his current deception by posting old photographs of him. Bert looks real ill these days; rumor is he has AIDS. Shame, Bert was a nice guy, now he has changed.

Anonymous said...

Bert is a pedophile alright, his favorite bar was named in the Child Watch Bali report. There was a copy once of it on the net, but it has gone now, but there are tons of Dutch pedophiles in Bali it says, look at http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/02/16/1076779905009.html

Anonymous said...

Surprisingly, it was Bert Vierstra himself who pointed me to this article about him. Also surprisingly, we are looking at publishing an article about Mr. Vierstra being a pedophile amongst other things. But I do not want to pre-empt or get ahead of myself here. I would just like to say the Bert Vierstra seems to want to avoid answering certain specific questions about himself that have been alleged by others. I also find it interesting how he vets applications for membership to his Bali Expat Forum. If you register you get a perhaps very strange email from him that asks amongst other things; "Please tell us just a little about yourself, your nationality, your real name, and maybe why you want to join." I have never seen this on on forums and would question why he does it, in particular because one of the allegations made by someone else against Bert is that he vets registrations not just for potential trouble makers but for gay customers; certainly a question about someone's interests in order to get permission to post on his travel forum section seems a little over the top. But maybe Bert has more "trouble makers" than acceptable users, which does nothing to support the validity of his message board.

I have put my questions to Bert again and hope he will answer them this time.

Anonymous said...

The Indonesian anti-pornography law still looms. Although the parts that affect women's rights and various cultures are likely to be dumbed down, the majority of politicians want the bill and so it will happen. One element that very few people have objected to and therefore will be implimented is the part outlawing homosexuality and sodomy. Although I think this is bad in the general sense, and bad that the corrupt police of Bali will have yet more money making potential (just do a search for gay Bali and see what comes up, some people in Bali advertise gay owned businesses; ooops), I think it will have some positive impact on the pedophile problem that plagues Bali right now.

Anonymous said...

Funny, Bert is going mad over this blog and is sure it is his old friend Mark Austin who is behind it. Bert is trying to dig up anything slightly gray about Austin and publish it. Latest comes allegations from Bert that Austin is running illegal pharmacy web sites. It seems strange going onto Bert's Bali Expat Forum these days only to find a ton of ramblings about online pill pushers in the USA (he even quotes and address in California he alleges belongs to Austin but I thought Austin lived in Portugal). I don't like Bert, he rides his big fat ugly Honda (a huge bike) around Lovina (if anyone knows Lovina's roads and traffic they will know what a joke this is to behold) like some pimp, which maybe is what Bert is.

Anonymous said...

Seen it. Claims a site called balivillas.net is mine; wrong, sorry Bert, anyway we sold the villas I think you are referring to ages ago (we no longer have any villas in Bali just to set the record straight). Claims Internet pharmacies are illegal (in an attempt to belittle me on the basis I dealt with some); wrong, sorry Bert, there are legal Internet pharmacies and even if they weren't, affiliate sites are not legally liable for sites they send people to (fact).

Anonymous said...

Did you notice in his gay resume Bert says he does not do drugs and hates liars! If you look on Bert's "forum" you will find at least an admission he was into really serious stuff (skunk) at one point and then he claims he just decided to give it up, just like that!

Check out the latest from the BBC that will explain a lot about Bert;

Cannabis users are 40% more likely than non-users to suffer a psychotic illness such as schizophrenia, say UK experts.